Week 11 (Model Pengajaran)

          Today, Dr Chin is going to teach us on Model Pengajaran. There are many model that we can use in teaching process. For example, model personal, model sosial, model pemprosesan maklumat, model taba, model projek and etc. These model really helpful for us in teaching preschool children. Furthermore, Dr Chin also teach us how to search for ISI journal as we need it for other assignment. It is hard for us to find those ISI journal as we do not try it before. Dr Chin has show us how to ue um library to find for the journal. For example, web of science, emerald, eric and etc.

This is the sample for um library in searching for ISI journal

Week 10 (Effective Teaching)

          Today is the 1st class after the one week holiday semester break. Dr Chin are going to teach us about effective teaching in school. There are many method and ways to teach student so that they can understand what teacher are teaching. So that the effective teaching can occur in class. Effective teaching can be in group discussion, asking question and etc. Teacher can ask question after finish teaching for a chapter. This will help the teacher to make sure that whether the students understand what teacher is teaching in the class. Dr Chin has asks us many question so that we can think for it and wont feel sleepy in class. For example, Dr Chin has ask us how to solve for the soil erosion. My answer is plant some tree so that the root of the tree can carry the soil to avoid for the soil erosion.

          Lastly,effective teaching really important for teacher to teach their students. In another words, Dr Chin has promise to teach us how to find for ISI journal as we has to find for at least 3 ISI journal for our assignment. See you all next week!

This is the example for the slide effective teaching.

Week 9 (presentation for senior and lecturer teaching)

          Today, we still have one coursemate which is our senior is going to present for both of the assignment. Dr Chin also is going to teach us web 2.0 tools in education series. After today lecturer class, we are going to have our semester break for one week. I cant wait to go back to my hometown already! I have not went home for 2 months already. This is the suitable time for me to go back as i miss my family and friends very much. My mum has prepare a lot of delicious food home made food for me when i arrive home.


This is one of the web tools 2.0 that Dr Chin teach us today which is

Week 8 (Presentation for assignment 3)

          Today, my classmates and i will present for our assignment 3 which is related to our lesson plan. Yng jye and i had plan for a lesson plan on teaching children to recognize the fruits. We have bring few types of fruits to present in class. My friends have also prepare some worksheet for us to do. Their presentation is interesting and not boring. Below are the sample of worksheet and the games through online that my friend had prepared:

This is the games that they use through online

This is the worksheet that they had prepare.

My classmate is dancing in front.

Week 7 (Checking for Assignment 2)

          Today, my coursemate Nina is going to present for her assignment 1. Her presentation really interesting as she have introduce many different website which is suitable for children learning. After her presentation, Dr Chin help us to check for our assignment 3 which we have plan since last week. During the checking, we can realize that many mistake we have done for the assignment 3. Below is the picture that i take when my coursemate is presenting for their assignment 3.

Nina is presenting

Anne is presenting

Their topic for their assignment 3 is about the body parts. The video that they choose for the assignment 3 is very interesting together with the suitable audio.

Week 6 (Planning for Assignment 3)

          Today,  Dr Chin have ask us to plan for our lesson plan using blendspace. So, we need to use blendspace to set for our lesson plan. My friend and i decide to do our lesson plan on teaching children about fruits. Then, we use model ASSURE to do for our lesson plan. Within 2 hours we able to finish for our lesson plan as we divide the work into two part. Today i feel very happy as i have learn a new things today.

           This is part of the lesson plan that we have finish.

Week 5 (Presentation for 1st Assignment)

           Hi Good morning, today is the presentation for our 1st assignment. This make me feel so nervous as i have no confident for presenting my slide show. This slide show i have prepare for almost 2 weeks earlier. So, i have study very well and clear for the website that i had choose. This assignment need us to find 3 website that related to my course which is early childhood education.

          At last, i have present my slide in a confident way. Thank god! After we all present for all the assignment, Dr. Chin let us to leave early because we all have meeting at 2pm.

This is one of the most interesting website that my coursemate present as this website have many different types of games. You all can try to access the link below to enjoy playing games.