Week 10 (Effective Teaching)

          Today is the 1st class after the one week holiday semester break. Dr Chin are going to teach us about effective teaching in school. There are many method and ways to teach student so that they can understand what teacher are teaching. So that the effective teaching can occur in class. Effective teaching can be in group discussion, asking question and etc. Teacher can ask question after finish teaching for a chapter. This will help the teacher to make sure that whether the students understand what teacher is teaching in the class. Dr Chin has asks us many question so that we can think for it and wont feel sleepy in class. For example, Dr Chin has ask us how to solve for the soil erosion. My answer is plant some tree so that the root of the tree can carry the soil to avoid for the soil erosion.

          Lastly,effective teaching really important for teacher to teach their students. In another words, Dr Chin has promise to teach us how to find for ISI journal as we has to find for at least 3 ISI journal for our assignment. See you all next week!

This is the example for the slide effective teaching.


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